Toby the Moggie Cat

This week’s furry friend digital painting is of a clever moggie called Toby. As a kitten, Toby’s owners sensibly gave him a collar with a bell to keep tabs on him in the early days after his various jabs. Quick to cotton on to the implications, Toby hid himself away for an entire day under a piano cover, still as a statue so as not to alert anyone to his whereabouts. When his owners found him, they decided to relent and gave him free reign, senza collar, until he was old enough to accept the responsibility which, as you can see here, he has duly done. Now at least, the mice he chases get fair warning!

He has also taken on the role of personal trainer to owner Irene who gets a Toby shaped weight sat on her stomach when exercising. I can almost picture him, sitting there, overseeing proceeding with due task master authority!

The time-lapse below takes you through my working process for this digital painting. What I loved about studying Toby was how many colours I discovered in his rich black coat and how full of rhythm is the baffling texture of fur!

If you were to describe, in one word, the character trait that best sums up the furry friend in your life, what would it be? Let me know in the comments below.