Is Painting Therapy?

What and why I paint is bound up in who I am, and the process of creating is always one of discovery. My new painting This Little Pig is rooted in a personal narrative.

The pig in question is based on a 1930s clockwork toy pig. I have seen quite a few versions of him over the years, some in mint condition, some in the company of fellow pig musicians. But this particular toy, picked up by my father, years ago at Sandown Park, is a bit bashed, with faded colours, and has a very particular expression the others did not. 

His eyes are bright, alive, curious and hopeful. Paired with the drum, there is a sense of ‘declaration’ in his attitude, all of which got me thinking. I began projecting ideas onto him, seeing in him a symbol of strength and resolve, a theme I like to explore in my work, as a way to refuel my own determination in the face of challenge and difficulties. 

The rough composition for this painting has been bouncing around my mind since 2017, but it was only in the last few months I actually got it out of my head and into a painting.

Graffiti, as I discussed in my last blog post, plays an important role here, weaving together a mix of ideas. I do dabble in journaling but there is something different about putting things together visually. It has a way of tapping into multiple layers of feeling, sometimes in harmony, sometimes contradictory, but all somehow true. Painting helps me anchor these thoughts in one place, without words or judgement - giving the feeling a face which I can hold up and reflect on, somehow helping me make sense of it.

In a way, any act of creation has an element of this, but certainly some paintings feel more cathartic than others. This Little Pig is about building something of your own, out of your hopes, dreams and vulnerability and pitching this energy against the inevitable challenges of life.

I would love to know how this painting lands with you, does he resonate? what points of reference does he connect with for you? Let me know your thoughts.

Whilst I usually print my digital paintings on Art paper, I decided to experiment with this painting and print it on canvas, which is now available to view in my shop.

You can explore buying options by clicking the picture below.