Goalkeeper Print Giveaway

The power of goalkeeping was very much in force at yesterday’s World cup final, adding an extra glow of celebration to my Goalkeeper print giveaway!

I only do a couple of these giveaways a year and couldn’t resist timing this one with the finale of the World Cup!

Today I picked the winner, watch the moment in the video above!

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate Rick Addison on winning his very own framed print of my new Goalkeeper painting!

Thank you again to everyone who participated! I will be sharing lots more exciting opportunities in 2023 so keep an eye out!

Also, a huge round of applause to both the Argentinian and French football teams, who gave us a wonderful final, full of many skilled twists and turns, uniting watchers around the world in the journey they took us on! 

If you would like more information about the buying options for my Goalkeeper print, please click the product listing below.