International Dog Day

Swift on the heels of International Cat Day, today it is our Canine friend's turn!

International Dog Day was created in 2004 by Colleen Paige an animal welfare Advocate and Pet Lifestyle Expert.

Why 26th August? This was the day in Colleen's life, aged 10, when their family adopted her first dog. And a big part of today's purpose is to raise awareness about the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year. It is also a celebration of all dogs both mixed and pure in race.

I have been on a portrait painting rollercoaster since last January which has introduced me to some wonderful dogs, many of them mixed breed and rescue cases.

Today I am looking back over my journey so far. Whilst each dog was particular in their personality and character, all were unanimously irreplaceable and special members of their families.

Each played a powerful part in the family dynamic, whether that was entertaining, keeping in check, caring, supporting, reassuring, energy giving, protecting - they were all ultimate loving companion / best bud / accomplice!

I am constantly moved and inspired by the stories of these animals and the daily impact they make on their owners' lives. I like to think of each portrait I do as a visual celebration of this powerful bond.

If you would like to find out how I can help you celebrate the dog in your life do check out my commission service by clicking the button below.

Wishing dogs and dog lovers alike a cheerful and treat-full day!