Painting a Dog Portrait - Part 2

Welcome to the second part in this dog portrait mini series, where I’m diving into the oil paints!

This video is a spliced summary of several sessions, where I worked up the tones, colour and detail gradually, usually leaving a few days in between each session for things to dry.

I favour using big sheets of tracing paper for a palette, where I can really spread out and mix up the colours I need.

In part three I will try and do a little overview of all the equipment I use. Here you’ll eyespy a few things, my trusty painting stick being one of them, which really helps steady the hand for fine detail.

The commission brief requested that Tussock’s name be featured in the painting, allowing me the perfect opportunity to play with a beautiful formula, I’ve long admired, often seen in the 16th century portraits of Hans Holbein the Younger.

Stay tuned for the final stages in part 3, where I walk you through the varnishing, framing, packing and posting!