A Santa Salute

This week I was told about an interesting ‘Santa age metric’ It goes like this:

  • Young enough to believe in him

  • Old enough not to

  • Until you reach the age of dressing up and becoming him

Wherever you are on this journey I wish you a very Happy Christmas with my own particular twist on the Santa theme.

This painting was based on a Santa I picked up on eBay. He wasn’t your characteristic round bellied type but rather, something a little more agile and – one might imagine - capable of hopping down and up a chimney!

The name of Santa carries with it many associations, for me the magic and sense of wonder he represents always makes me smile along with my childhood memories of letters drifting up chimneys and mince pies and brandies left out by the fireplace on Christmas eve, disappearing by morning!

Now a little older, the idea of Santa has definitely evolved. Less about the material and more about that deep rooted sense of giving and receiving in its simplest forms, of the love we bear to one another.

It is on that note that I hope your Christmas is a safe, warm and smiling one!