Summing up 2023

It’s an annual tradition! Splicing together highlights of 2023 is always an informative exercise - reminding me of all the amazing people I've met & collaborated with, alongside the exciting projects I've been part of, and the experiences I've been blessed to have.

I inhabited many different roles last year: dancer, student, artist, model, teacher, accountant, art administrator, social media manager, chef, cleaner, handyman, councillor etc…

It's kinda crazy when summed up like this - but does go to show how complex and hard to define any life is and that none of us are one thing alone.

I've certainly not got the balance right yet, but each year I am a bit more informed and feel ready for and really good about 2024!

Sending out a big Happy New Year hug and wishing you all a fantastic start to your own new chapter! Let's make it a fantastic year!